I’ve been making art all my life. My mother, her sister, and two of her nieces were art teachers. I love to sew, too… so art quilts became a favorite medium (also that I don’t like to follow a pattern; just do my own thing). I was a home economics teacher and an art teacher.
Being an art teacher, I had to know how to work with lots of mediums. I also paint with watercolors and make collages. I love hand building and wheel throwing clay, but won’t ever try to have my own studio. If I could go back, I wish I would have taken up jewelry making/silversmithing…lapidary…
Currently, my studio is in a spare bedroom, but usually spills over to my living room. When I start a project, I usually go right to my fabric stash. To begin a quilt, I often combine stack of fabrics first. Then, I contemplate “subject”. That might depend on what I did last, nature or art I’ve recently seen, my mood…. I might flip through my “idea book”. I like to do landscapes, woman figures, leaves/ nature, or horses, or “shapes” and abstracts.